我猜對 了 英文
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我猜对了用英语口语怎么说_百度知道2017年12月17日 · ... 还是先立业重要? 匿名用户 2017-04-26. 展开全部. I was right. I got it. I guess correctly. 本回答被网友采纳. 已赞过 已踩过<. ...zhidao.baidu.com c hit it guess ... we predicated our entire copyright tw.ichacha.net all rights reserved. guessed right gl format tw . b .. nvm swap_horiz. clear. stem ptt curious will take good care of you. http: hmwvfs source: pet phrases englishisland.com.tw insider>
- 1猜测英文怎么写_猜测的英文怎么说_例句 - 沪江网校
- 2猜測- Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
猜測. zhuyin[ㄘㄞㄘㄜˋ]; pinyin[caice]. to guess; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate; to give a gu...
- 3除了guess和estimate,猜測某事的9種表達! | 全民學英文
編輯/李佳旻當你不太確定某件事,你要「猜(guess)」或「估計(estimate)」它時,該怎麼用英文說? […]
- 4「據我猜測」英文怎麼說?用英文表達「猜測 ... - 全民學英文
學會之後,可以豐富你的英文會話內容,讓你的談話更有深度和層次感喔! 1. Off the top of my head 據我猜測. ex. Off the top of my head, thi...
- 5guess - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
猜測;推測[+(that)][+wh-][O2] Can you guess the height of the tree? 你能猜出這樹的高度嗎? I can guess what will ...